Lightning Protocol

Lightning is underrated. I’m not sure how many people know it can be piggybacked to create decentralised applications like Signal or a VPN. Programmable money means the payment rails are data rails. Data flowing through pipes of money.

For example, Sphinx uses Lightning’s rails to send text messages free from censorship or corporate oversight. Using three of the last four words has grown to feel dangerous, as if you have something to hide. However, you’re anti-censorship if you agree Twitter shouldn’t be blocked in whole countries (e.g. Nigeria, China). You’re probably anti-corporate oversight if you’re against unfettered mining and monetisation of your data.

If Lightning stimulates layer 3 protocols, there’s potential to build tools that make today’s internet easier. Imagine not needing to give away your email, kicking off a lifetime of spam and tracking, to access sites. What if a micropayment provided you with access going forward, like a token at a fairground, but one that belongs to you forever. What if a micropayment incentivises paywalls to step aside, detracting less users and boosting traffic for creators.

If I hadn’t mentioned it, would you know this was about Bitcoin, and what it enables?