

The Difference Between Containers & Tupperware

One consists of an entire runtime environment: an application, plus all its dependencies, libraries and other binaries, and configuration files needed to run it, bundled into one package. By containerising the application platform and its dependencies, differences in OS distributions…

If I was the leader of a sovereign state hearing about China banning BTC mining and only considered the economic incentives – I would entice the 360k TH/s Dalian hydro-powered operation to set up shop on my turf. That’s 750…

Mono No Aware

It’s a Japanese term. It defines the sad beauty of seeing time pass – the aching awareness of impermanence. The fact that we’ll return to some of these moments, but only through our memories.

Amoral or immoral?

I’ve been thinking about Facebook. Has it had a net positive effect on society? Have the negative aspects been disproportionately amplified, compared to how they helped connect the world? Perhaps it’s yes to both, but there’s no denying that its…

Web 3

If we assume that WWW has revolutionised information and Web2 revolutionises interactions, Web3 has the potential to revolutionise agreements and value exchange. However, nothing will change on the surface of the Internet for the average user, while Web2 is a…

What Are Front-Running Bots Doing?

To understand front-running blockchain bots, it helps to understand traditional front-running in equity markets. It’s similar to insider trading. 1. You know a big order for Apple stock is about to occur2. This will drive the price higher (temporarily at…

What is Progress?

The world will continue to overflow with innovation, but it’ll remain short on the flourishing of human beings as a whole. Brunch is a few taps on an app away, meanwhile demand at food banks are increasing each year.