

The cloud enables organisations to utilise remote, virtually limitless computational capacities on a pay-as-you-go basis. As a result, firms can maximise their available resources and significantly lower the costs of managing on-site infrastructure. This has resulted in a surge in…


Singapore’s dearth of resources also allowed it to sidestep the resource curse, the paradox that countries rich in natural resources tend to experience conflicts over extraction and allocation. Countries in which commodity exports comprise a large portion of GDP are…

Apeel: Food Gone Good

Today, an estimated 470 million smallholder farmers and supply chain actors across developing countries lose an average of 15 percent of their income to food spoilage. Spoilage limits how much of their harvest they can sell, and in times of…

US Treasury Bills

The yield curve is usually upward sloping, where a higher fixed rate of return is earned from lending money for longer periods of time. Shorter-term yields tend to represent what investors believe will happen to central bank policies in the…

A Brief History of Gasoline

It’s a 10 part piece. Here’s a snippet from the first: …I was peculiarly well-situated to smell a rat in the late Nineties when I began reading about a furor brewing in the United Kingdom over an European Union directive…

The young man, who does not know the future, sees life as a kind of epic adventure, an Odyssey through strange seas and unknown islands, where he will test and prove his powers, and thereby discover his immortality. The man…


Day 1 Tested positive. First time. Notified folk I saw recently. Daytime normal, but mind cloudier by eve, like dragging brain through a swamp. I’m accustomed to a brain with 100 tabs open but it’s currently not responding. Woke up…