Category Excerpts

Life is bigger than you realize. Something about the way you’ve structured your days doesn’t honor the limitless potential and the countless possibilities that are stretched out before you. Something about your anxiety has caused you to build things that…

Good writing skill cultivates a discipline of thinking. Thoughts cease to be random and chaotic. They gradually become systematic and structured instead. Having journaled for years, I’m tempted to agree. Writing thoughts out allow opportunities for dissection and I end…


The passage of time is a smooth loop of circles around the sun – a ‘year’ has no natural edge so can’t be ‘new’ or ‘old’ in any truthful sense – these numbers we add up are merely markers of…


An imaginary relationship to a real situation. In common usage, what the other person has, especially when systematically distorting the facts. But it seems to us that an ideology is a necessary feature of cognition, and if anyone were to…

Apeel: Food Gone Good

Today, an estimated 470 million smallholder farmers and supply chain actors across developing countries lose an average of 15 percent of their income to food spoilage. Spoilage limits how much of their harvest they can sell, and in times of…

US Treasury Bills

The yield curve is usually upward sloping, where a higher fixed rate of return is earned from lending money for longer periods of time. Shorter-term yields tend to represent what investors believe will happen to central bank policies in the…