Category Excerpts

A Brief History of Gasoline

It’s a 10 part piece. Here’s a snippet from the first: …I was peculiarly well-situated to smell a rat in the late Nineties when I began reading about a furor brewing in the United Kingdom over an European Union directive…

The young man, who does not know the future, sees life as a kind of epic adventure, an Odyssey through strange seas and unknown islands, where he will test and prove his powers, and thereby discover his immortality. The man…

If you’ve ever jumped into cold water, you’ll know that the human body can be transformed by this extreme change of state. Sure, you might end up listening to the sound of teeth chattering inside your head, but in those…

Stages of Sleep

Sleep isn’t uniform. Once we fall asleep, our bodies follow a sleep cycle, lasting 90-120 minutes on average. Our total sleep is made up of several rounds of this cycle. Each cycle contains four stages. The first three stages are…

NYC Mesh

Internet feels like a human right now: providing access to information, communication, and life admin tools (at the least). There’s around 1m people in NYC that don’t have access to internet, due to cost barriers driven to the oligopolistic market…

⬆️ Energy = ⬆️ GDP

To understand why the world currently burns fossil fuels, it helps to follow the money. Energy demand has long tracked economic growth. So much so that for the past two centuries, the amounts of energy that economies need have increased…

Life is like Music

Alan Watts’ words making us think… Existence, the physical universe, is basically playful. There is no necessity for it whatsoever. It isn’t going anywhere. That is to say it doesn’t have some destination that it ought to arrive at. But…