Category Thoughts

What is Progress?

The world will continue to overflow with innovation, but it’ll remain short on the flourishing of human beings as a whole. Brunch is a few taps on an app away, meanwhile demand at food banks are increasing each year.


All advanced technology looks like a “wall of no” until someone finds a path through. Or doesn’t. The only way to know is by throwing money and smart people at it until one’s appetite for risk is spent, or one…

The Evil You Know

Fines imposed by the Financial Conduct Authority on banks in 2020 include: • £26m – Barclays • £38m – Commerzbank • £48m – Goldman Sachs • £64m – Lloyds The fines were related to inappropriate conduct or the unfair treatment…

Humans have been around for many thousands of years…why are most of us right-handed?

Parts Unknown

Note: it seems careless to share a thought like this when Covid has taken millions of lives. It was a thought nonetheless. When lockdown hit and travel was restricted, I felt okay having explored a dozen countries preceding the closures.…

True Size

Use this site to visualise the real size of a country, rather than the impression 2d maps give. Russia is not as big as it seems. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is nearly 40% of the size of USA.

I downloaded Subnautica because it was free. I didn’t expect it to be one of the most enthralling games I’d ever play.

Why is it so difficult to leave a shop empty-handed? And why am I compelled to theatrically portray my innocence? Does that make it more challenging for store-owners to spot real thieves?

USA’s Wildcard

Today I learned about the petrodollar and how it’s usage is declining. In short, an agreement dating back to the 70s means oil-producing countries sell oil in dollars, driving up demand for the currency. The dollars are then recycled by…

Remote Working can Work

Work is work, no matter if it’s remote, hybrid, or full-time office. Hire good people, entrust them with executing on core business needs, allow them to choose however they make the magic happen. Won’t it be extremely evident if any…