Category Thoughts

Do you also go out of your way to step on a particularly crunchy looking leaf?

A New Kind of Ledger

Having a trusted party has implications. When you send a payment today, you’re actually not the one changing the Paypal ledger. You have no power. You’re requesting (subtle, but a significant difference) Paypal, who has full authority, to change the…


While pensioners lug around crates of food, stoic and mobilised, to feed desperate families – somewhere out there is a young person, preoccupied and hurt by the lack of retweets or likes on their post. We crave what makes us…

Knowledge Work

The broad field of knowledge work is in a similar place today as the craft of cooking was in 1859. Our labor is difficult, but undervalued. We spend way too much time thinking about how to get things done, versus…

Open Source Insulin

Over my lifetime, the price of insulin in the US has risen ~15x, leading patients to ration doses to conserve it. A group of dedicated biohackers believe that making insulin more accessible requires taking the monopoly away from the big…

Key Traits

My key traits according to a tool on Investigative You’re curious and good at asking the right questions. You like to observe, explore ideas and solve problems. Work which involves thinking, research or facts and figures may suit you.…


We often blame technology for human nature. It’s fashionable now to blame social media for spreading propaganda, but people spread propaganda long before social media ever existed. Humans didn’t need Twitter and Facebook to spread lies and genocidal hatred before…

Opportunity Cost

“How much could I lose?” is not merely a financial question. If I make this choice: – How much time could I lose? – How much sanity could I lose? – How much reputation could I lose? – How much…